
School cafeteria
We have our own kitchen, where the school menu is made daily. We have two school cafeterias, one for our preprimary students and another for Primary students.
Currently, the company awarded this service is Aramark. (Aramark link). The menus are prepared by a team of nutritionists and are then reviewed by the School Board’s Dining Committee. Menu proposals are also offered for non-school days and for dinners.
Several menus are developed, one general and another specific for children with allergies, which are sent to the families at the beginning of each month, as well, they are published in this website. School menu (add link).
The price of the school menu is € 4.88 / per student a day, as established by the Community of Madrid. This course is regulated by ORDEN 2276/2016 of July 13, of the Counselor of Education, Youth and Sports, which establishes the price of school menu to be applied during the 2016-17 academic year in public non-university teaching centers of The Community of Madrid.
School lunch fees are prorated during the months of October to May, so no receipt is issued in the months of September and June.
If any student needs to use this service on extra days, the price will increase over that established by the Community of Madrid to € 5.88.
All payments are made through the bank account of the school, whose data can be provided by the school’s secretary.

Sports. Handball
The Municipal Schools of Sports Promotion of Handball, have an agreement between the General Direction of Sports of the City council of Madrid and the Federation of Handball of Madrid.
The main objective of the activity is to promote sport as a healthy habit and to practice handball in a playful and fun way.
This activity is meant for students in grades 2 through 6 of Primary and takes place in the gym and in the courtyards of the center during the school lunch time, from Monday to Friday.
The cost of this activity for the 2016-17 course is an annual fee of € 60 per student.
Family conciliation activities promoted by the Moncloa-Aravaca District Board:

This activity is carried out in the Multiple Purposes Room of the school, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:30 PM to 13:30 PM and is meant for 4th, 5th and 6th grade students.
It is free charge and begins each school year; a circular is sent to families.

This activity is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16:00 PM to 17:00 PM in the 3rd grade classrooms and is offered for all primary school students.
It is free of charge and beings each school year; a circular is sent to families.

School library
We open the school library for all those students who want to make use of it, from Monday till Friday from 12:30PM to 14:30PM. On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16.00 PM to 17.00 PM. It is free of charge.

Workshops on social skills and emotional education.
From the school and in collaboration with the District Board, we have put into operation for the 2016-17 school year a series of workshops aimed at students, teachers and families, with the aim of enhancing those skills and fostering emotional education.
A.P.A. Activities

Before School
This service runs every school day from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM. It is aimed to help families in which both parents work and their child can not stay at home until the beginning of the school day. The specific objective of this program is the supervision of students within a space of plural coexistence by offering developing activities and groupings. Students who request it, can have breakfast before starting the school activates. This is a service paid for by the users and organized by the APA of the school. – Access their website –

After School
It is offered in September and June, when the scho ol hours are: 9:00 AM to 13:00 PM, plus two dining hours 15:00 PM. This program allows students to stay in the Center for another hour (until 16:00 PM). During this time, student participate in extracurricular activities. It is organized by the APA of the school. – Access your website –

We’ll Wait For You at School
This activity is a basic nursery space for those families who need more time to get their children to school. It lasts for an hour and a half, from the time of leaving the school 16:00 PM. A simple snack is provided, running every school day from Monday to Friday, and is organized by the APA of the school. – Access your website –

Arts and Fun Program, (Workshops for non-school working days)
This service arose from the demand of working families to be able to resolve working life with family life. The students that use this service can go to the school from 7:30 AM to 16:00 PM. They will perform activities by workshops. This service covers working days but not school days, such as Christmas, Easter and July, and is organized by the APA of the school – Access your website –