Coexistence Plan

The fundamental mission of our school is to teach pupils that they are capable of taking responsibility for their actions, determine their live goals and contribute to the progress and improvement of our free democratic society in which we all will live. Therefore, the school should be a privileged place of cohabitation. A space of growth, encounter, learning, shared experiences, knowledge of others and discovery of the world.
The school imitates the conflictive situations of society, but also the possibilities of improvement and integration that favor educational environments. It is the perfect place to learn to live together, and to resolve conflicts.
Children should grow, learn and mature together in an educational environment with a healthy coexistence, to be future citizens capable of assuming the differences, respecting others dialog and coexist. Therefore, the primary objective of our center is to achieve a harmonious climate of harmony based on respect and openness, honest communication among all members of the educational community, to project in the student’s human values of justice, solidarity, Tolerance, democracy and anti-violence.
The Coexistence Plan sets out the fundamental norms that we all have to know and fulfill in order to achieve a good working climate and personal relationships that foster coexistence, based on respect, communication and tolerance.
It sets out the strategies that facilitate its dissemination, assumption and compliance with the rules, adopting preventive measures to avoid non-compliance with standards and the need for sanctions.
The Coexistence Plan is complemented by the RRI in which the norms are to be followed in terms of schedules, entrances and exits, recess, spaces, materials, personal relations, as well as the classification of responsibilities, protocol to follow and the “u Bodies” responsible for the implementation of educational measures or sanctions.
General objectives of the coexistence plan
To achieve an optimal coexistence in the center, in a climate of dialogue and good relations. We propose the following objectives:
- Establish in a consensual manner, the basic rules of behavior and how to ensure compliance.
- To make the rules of coexistence known to all members of the Educational Community and especially, to work with the students, adapting them according to their different ages.
- To raise awareness and awareness in the Educational Community about the importance of an adequate school life and about the procedures to improve it.
- Promote habits of responsibility, constancy, respect, and effort in learning that facilitate an adequate work environment and coexistence.
- To facilitate the prevention, detection, treatment, follow-up and resolution of conflicts that could arise in the center.
- To promote co-education, rejection of all forms of discrimination and respect for all cultures, as well as the promotion of democratic values and behaviors, coexistence, tolerance, equality, peaceful conflict resolution, cooperation and solidarity. As well as attitudes to care and respect towards the center and the environment.
- Favor the involvement of families in the educational process of their children and the assumption of responsibilities as legal guardians of them.