
Procedure for admission of students for the 2017-2018 school year:
- DECREE 29/2013, of April 11, of the Governing Council, of freedom of choice of school in the Community of Madrid.
- Order 1240/2013, of April 17, of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, by establishing the procedure for the admission of students in schools supported by public funds of second cycle of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Special Education, Obligatory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate in the Community of Madrid.
- Joint resolution of November 23, 2016, of the Vice-Departments of Non-University Education, Youth and Sports and Educational Organization, which issued Instructions on participation in the process of admission of students in schools supported by public funds that provide second Cycle of Infant Education, Primary Education, Special Education, Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate of the Community of Madrid for the 2017/2018 academic year.
- More information. Click here
Information for new students:
Below we present to you all the necessary things for the registration of your children in our school.
- Photocopy and original of your “compulsa” of the Family Book (it is not necessary to present it if you enclosed it in the request of admission).
- Photocopy and original for your “compulsa” of a Social Security card or health card.
- Photocopy and original for your “compulsa” of the Book of Vaccinations. In case of food allergies provide medical certificate.
- License-size photographs: 8 to enroll in Early Childhood Education, 1 in Primary Education.
- In the case of separated or divorced parents, they have to provide the judicial sentence or the separation agreement.
- Certificate of transfer when the student has been previously enrolled in a school for children and primary. (The family will ask for it in the center from which your child comes).
C/ Bailén 18
28005 MADRID
Tlf: 913604646