A.P.A. (Association of Parents of Students)
In pre-school education and primary education, the associations of parents of pupils is legalized in Royal Decree 1533/1986 of 11 July.
Parents’ associations may:
- Propose the school council proposals for the embellishment of the educational project and of the annual general program.
- Inform the school council of those aspects of the progress of the center that it considers appropriate.
- Inform parents of their activity.
- To receive information from the school council on the topics that deal with in the same, as well as to receive the agenda of said council before its realization, in order to be able to elaborate proposals.
- Prepare reports for the school council on its own initiative or at the initiative of the school council.
- Formulate proposals for complementary activities.
- To receive a copy of the educational project, of the curricular project of stage and of its modifications.
- Receive information about textbooks and teaching materials adopted by the center.
- Encourage collaboration between the parents and teachers of the center for the proper functioning of it.